You will be fully represented in real estate matters, having the support, knowledge and experience to execute and cover all aspects of an acquisition.
We manage with negotiation of acquisition agreements, building and architectural agreements, leases, management agreements, resolution of title deficiencies, analysis of zoning, planning and land use issues.
Our vast experience is based on counsel and litigation regarding the purchase, sale, and lease of commercial, industrial, and residential real estate.
The special conditions of land holdings on prohibited zones along the borders and shorelines demand counsel and an exact knowledge on the subject.
We are fully competent to prepare options, rights of first refusal and removing land parcels from communal property control, commonly referred to as “Ejidos” in Mexico.

What is Construction Law?
Some major areas a construction lawyer covers are: Alternative Dispute Resolutions Arbitration Dispute Review Boards (or other third party reviews) Mediation Structured negotiations Bankruptcy issues for contractors, owners, suppliers, etc.
For example: A flaw in a construction plan or building that creates an unreasonable risk of harm in its normal use Mechanic's Security interest.
A charge or encumbrance placed on a building or a building site by a construction company to assure payment for its labor, services, or materials Contractor.
A company that contracts to erect or repair buildings; usually requires a license from the state or local government.

For many years our lawyers have counseled the public and private sectors, construction firms, contractors, suppliers, architects and engineers.
We have executed transactions, business operations, finance, employment and labor union negotiation, insurance, regulatory and environmental filings, arbitration, mediation and litigation.
Clients involved in construction and engineering rely on our solid business experience and legal counsel to serve their needs.
Our highly qualified team handles all aspects of construction transactions including structuring, preparing and negotiating of construction contracts, advising on labor and intellectual property related matters for construction contracts; advising on contract disputes, and resolving them by negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation.