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INDAUTOR - Online registration requests

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There is a legal provision for copyright owners known as "reservation of rights" which allows them to prevent others from using their works without permission.

Through an agreement issued on December 8 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR) determined the legal frame for the online submission, procedure, and declaration of application program for the enrollment and copyright of original works.

The intention is to allow for the filing of the copyright documents electronically.

This is an official registration certificate obtained from the Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor (INDAUTOR) which is the appropriate form in the Mexican legal framework to protect creative works:

  • Titles of serial publications, whether printed or electronic.

  • Names of TV or radio shows.

  • Artistic names of individuals or groups.

  • Original advertising formats.

For further legal Information, you can request a meeting with our Virtual Secretary clicking here, or call De Hoyos y Avilés from Mexico and USA, or just visiting our Law Firm offices in Mexico

What is the Copyright?

"Copyright"; It is a human right (fundamental for the dignity of the person) and also a recognition that in Mexico the state makes in favor of the authors who create literary and artistic works that are original by such creators, from the moment they fix their work (its original creation) on a physical medium (without the need for registration).

So that they enjoy various exclusive copyright (moral and patrimonial); with the last of safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage of the Nation, that is, with the purpose of encouraging the production of literary and artistic works.

Through an agreement issued on December 8 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR) determined the legal frame for the online submission, procedure, and declaration of application program for the enrollment and copyright of original works.

The intention is to allow for the filing of the copyright documents electronically.

What type of works does the Federal Copyright Law protect?

  • Radio and television programs

  • Computer programs

  • Photographic

  • Works of applied art

  • Literary

  • Musical, with or without lyrics

  • Dramatic Art

  • Pictorial or drawing

  • Sculptural and plastic character

  • Caricature and cartoon

  • Architectural

  • Cinematographic and other audiovisual works

Copywrite - INDAUTOR

What does the Federal Copyright Law not protect?

The ideas themselves, the formulas, solutions, concepts, methods, systems, principles, discoveries, processes and inventions of any kind. The industrial or commercial use of the ideas contained in the works.

The schemes, plans, or rules to carry out mental acts, games or businesses; Isolated letters, digits or colors.

Isolated names and titles or phrases.

The simple formats or blank forms to be filled with any type of information, as well as their instructions.

Reproductions or imitations, without authorization, of coats of arms, flags or emblems of any country, state, municipality or equivalent political division, nor the denominations, acronyms, symbols or emblems of international governmental or non-governmental organizations, or of any other officially recognized organization, as well as their verbal designation.

Legislative, regulatory, administrative or judicial texts, as well as their official translations. In case of being published, they must adhere to the official text and will not confer exclusive editing rights.

However, concordances, interpretations, comparative studies, annotations, comments and other similar works that involve, on the part of their author, the creation of an original work will be subject to protection; + The informative content of the news, but its form of expression, and + Information in common use such as proverbs, sayings, legends, facts, calendars and metric scales.

What is the Function of the Public Registry of Copyright?

The purpose of the Public Registry of Copyright is to guarantee the legal certainty of the authors, the holders of related rights and the holders of the respective patrimonial rights and their successors in title, as well as to give adequate publicity to the works, acts and documents through your registration.

INDAUTOR - Online registration Steps

Entry of petitions and related promotions will be taken out through the INDARELIN, a service mode for the registration of works, phonographs, videograms, and books through formats with the same legality as a face-to-face registration.

  • Requirements for the submission are available at:

  • To access INDARELIN, you must create an account at:

  • The online process is optional, but once the procedure has started, it cannot be switched to the face-to-face mode.

  • You can send requests for registration and promotions at any time of the day, every day of the year. You'll receive an order ID number to process your order in the next days.

  • You have to declare under curse that the files uploaded are a true copy of their original, which they must present if asked by the INDAUTOR.

  • Outcomes to requirements made by the INDAUTOR must be carried out using the innovative electronic signature.

  • The documents that have been registered shall give you the same legal outcomes as those in original or certified copy, and will have the same evidential value.

  • Once the registration process is ended, you will be able to view and download the declaration directly from the INDARELIN.

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