At DHA we represent Mexican people and companies doing business abroad, as well as Foreigners who invest or have business in Mexico.
The firm has a network of contacts and strategic alliances in the main cities of the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe.
The foregoing allows our clients to have adequate advice in their international operations.
Our firm has its roots in northern Mexico.
We know the commercial and personal dynamics that take place along the 3,169 kilometers of border between Mexico and the United States.
We have offices at strategic points along the border, serving our clients who have businesses in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.
Our team of attorneys at the border offices is not only bilingual, but bi-cultural.
They grew up on the border, they know how to do business there.
Constantly we are working in coordination with US firms in transactions and / or litigation with jurisdiction in both countries.
We have a network of correspondents with coverage in major US cities, allowing us to provide our Mexican customers full coverage in the country, serving as liaison to protect their interests.

Canada is the second commercial partner of Mexico and the third country with the highest foreign direct investment in Mexico.
Of the total number of tourists that visit the country each year, Canadians occupy second place, only surpassed by tourism from the United States.
At DHA we have developed a network of contacts with specialized firms in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec and Vancouver, in order to guarantee our Mexican or Canadian clients the best legal advice in transactions or litigation involving both countries.

We are aware of the growth of commercial relationships between France and Mexico, in the framework of the Commercial Trade with the European Union.
For many decades, Mexico has welcomed French investors. In recent years, Mexico became more open towards foreign investments, eliminating restrictions in some key economic activities.
With this favorable framework, France has brought important businesses to Mexico in areas where it is an undisputed leader, such as aerospace, automotive, energy, telecommunications, among others.
The France-Mexico Commerce Chamber was established in 1884 being a clear example of the strength of the relationships between the two countries. DHA is a proud member of this association and is ready to advise French investors through our French desk.
The DHA French desk is headed by Ivonne AGUILERA, fluent in French, who provides legal advice to investors to either set up a business in Mexico or collaborate with them in their development.
Please contact us should you need any support from our French desk.
De Hoyos y Avilés is a Mexican law firm with a strong presence in the market in the Americas.
Even though the United States and Canada are the first commercial partners of Mexico, the commercial relationship with South America is trying.
Miami is a liaison center for the Americas and in that city our firm has strong relationships with the local lawyers' forum, actively participating in the International Law Section of the Florida Bar.
In addition, we have built strategic alliances with specialized firms in Central America, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Chile. With the above, we provide a complete service to our clients with businesses in South America.