Domestic and International Experience
Our clients include Fortune 500 multinational companies, as well as Mexican publicly- and/or privately-held businesses. As a result, we are familiar with the needs and workings of both large corporations and medium and family-owned businesses.
Given our proximity to the United States and the increasingly-globalized market, experience and knowledge of legal matters beyond our borders has become indispensable.
Some individuals and businesses within certain geographic areas operate within a single area, seemingly without borders. In those areas, commercial transactions are often subject to a complex framework of legislation from two countries (most frequently, Mexico and the United States).
DHA has experience in transactions and dispute resolution involving jurisdiction on both sides of the border, and we work frequently alongside U.S.A. law firms in creating multidisciplinary teams aimed at reaching a positive result for our clients.
Besides our strategically-located offices, DHA has developed alliances with law firms in cities throughout the rest of Mexico. DHA attorneys belong to various domestic and international lawyer organizations, based on which we can offer our clients immediate contacts around the globe.