We use various systems for charging fees, either by project, by the hour, on a contingency basis, or a combination of the foregoing.
Some systems for calculating fees include:
Hourly Fees:
Our hourly fees are competitive on the market, with clients receiving an excellent cost-benefit ratio.
Fixed Hourly Rate:
In certain cases, we can agree to a fixed hourly rate for all attorneys, irrespective of each lawyer’s standard billing level.
Flat Fees/Project-Related Fees:
Sometimes we can agree to a flat fees for projects, which remain the same, regardless of the number of hours worked or the result achieved. Results-Based Fees: In certain cases, we can agree to all or a significant portion of the fees being linked to reaching a certain objective.
“Mixed” Fees:
De Hoyos and Avilés’ policies are flexible, and may be customized to clients’ needs. For that reason, we are available to discuss alternative systems consisting of a “mixture” of the aforementioned billing systems.
Discounts: When an increased workload is foreseen, we can agree to reduce our standard fees once certain billing levels for each matter are reached. Frequent Clients: In order to acknowledge our clients’ loyalty, we extend special discounts when retained to handle matters in areas of the law different from those on which we’re already working.
Pro Bono Work:
De Hoyos y Avilés is a socially-responsible company committed to ongoing community service.
Our attorneys participate altruistically in various non-governmental organizations.
If justified by the type of case, one or more practice groups work on a pro bono basis in order to benefit such causes.