Agriculture & Livestock Industry

DHA has experience in defending the interests of companies in the agriculture and livestock industry.
Our clients include fertilizer companies, seed producers and distributors, horticulturists, packing companies, milk producers and companies engaged in the feedlot.
We understand the problems related to producing, transporting and exporting product. Employee relationships, as well as social security institutions, play an important role in the agriculture sector.
Our labor law team has broad experience in handling specific problems related to farmworkers.
Similarly, we have a group of attorneys focused on solving various water-related issues.
Automotive Industry

DHA's clients include vehicle assembly companies, dealerships and financial affiliates.
We therefore understand the different legal problems that might arise during processes related to the assembly, sale, and export of vehicles, as well as relationships with distributors.
We are also familiar with credit and financial procedures used in selling fleets or vehicles to end users. Our clients include companies that manufacture turbines and parts specifically used in the automotive or aerospace industries.
Banking & Financial Industry

During DHA's more than 56 year history, we have advised several Mexican and foreign banking institutions.
We are very familiar with the history of Mexican banks, having worked with them over an extended period, and understand how they approach and solve problems.
DHA's attorneys are also well-versed in all aspects of credit agreements, thus offering our banking litigation clients a fair and adequate solution.
Our Banking Law practice group has more than five decades of experience in the restructuring and litigation of complex and millionaire loans.
The labor law practice group represents various banking institutions throughout the country in the management of their working relationships with bank employees.
Infrastructure & Construction

Undertaking infrastructure projects requires attorneys’ participation throughout various phases, and very often calls for interaction with other firms’ legal and/or technical advisors involved in the project’s design, financing and execution.
At DHA, we have experience in handling all related matters from the inception of a real estate project. Whether purchasing land, resolving land disputes, securing land use permits and establishing relationships with financial institutions and construction companies, we have advised numerous clients on building hotels, residential developments, malls, warehouses and storage facilities, as well as investing in the chemical and energy sectors.
Real Estate & Transactions

DHA has experience in resolving land ownership-related disputes. Whether the land is held as an ejido (communal land), privately or in restricted areas, our attorneys understand the various challenges associated with acquiring and transferring ownership.
Our clients include construction companies, trusts, insurance companies, housing developers, banks and foreign citizens with investments in Mexico.
DHA’s litigators work closely with our transactions group in order to proactively avoid disputes.
Our attorneys have broad experience in agrarian, civil and administrative litigation matters.
IMMEX Companies Assembly Plants

As a result of our location in Northern Mexico directly along the U.S. border, we have extensive experience in representing the manufacturing industry.
We have advised many IMMEX companies and maquiladoras, often starting with their first exploratory visit.
We are familiar with potential complications arising from temporary import and shelter programs, and have extensive experience in preventing and resolving employment- and social security-related disputes.
In addition, our immigration lawyers offer the necessary support for foreign executives and technicians seeking to receive and maintain legal residence in Mexico.
We have successfully represented companies from the U.S.A., South Korea, China, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Chile and Germany.
Our clients in Mexico manufacture products such as cell phone chips, automotive turbines, aircraft parts, television sets and medical devices.
Fishing Industry

Fishing activities are very specific, requiring deep and direct knowledge of the market.
Raising, catching and transporting marine products, either by large companies or through fishing cooperatives, involves several processes such as receiving financing, purchasing equipment, exporting and establishing credit guarantees, either on boats or live product.
Our clients include banking institutions, fishing cooperatives and supply companies.
Food industry & Supercenters

Our clients include leading companies dedicated to food production and sale.
DHA has experience with producers of grains, meat, fast food, soft drinks, milk and beverages in general. We are familiar with quality control and employee training programs, as well as the legal problems that may arise from product distribution and sale.
Having represented various supermarket chains and major supercenters over the years, we understand the complexity of commercial relationships between our supermarket clients and their suppliers
Natural Resources

The Mexican legal framework of the energy sector is evolving rapidly.
For several years, DHA has been assisting companies in this sector, on litigation arising from environmental lawsuits or conflicts related to land ownership.
In addition, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling various aspects related to rights and disputes related to the use of Mexican waters.
Family Business

In Mexico, a significant number of companies still operate as family businesses.
Given this type of company’s characteristics, our firm offers personalized attention through a dedicated team of advisors.
As adequate generational planning requires specific advice, DHA's attorneys become familiar with each client's specific needs in order to understand the company and its employee relationships.
In addition, many of our attorneys have earned advanced degrees in business and tax law to offer an even more comprehensive service.
Transportation Industry

At DHA we have developed a technical specialization in the Transportation industry (public and private, cargo, auxiliary services, among others) in Mexico, and hand in hand with our clients in their expansion in the United States.
We provide legal advice to the biggest transport companies in Mexico. The services we offer include, among others, the following;
Filing and obtaining application for permits, concessions and/or any other authorization, local, state or federal, necessary for the operation of routes, itineraries, etc, for the public transport service and/or bus stations.
Legal defense against overlaps, road invasions, ruinous competition and/or any act of authority, or third parties that affect the interest of our clients.
Legal advice, representation and negotiation with suppliers (financial institutions for credits, manufacturers for purchase and sale of vehicles and spare parts, debt collection procedures, etc.)
Business Immigration

International companies operating in Mexico frequently call upon our services in order to obtain work or residence permits for their executives.
We have successfully received such permits for several maquiladoras (assembly plants) or Mexican companies that hire foreign executives and/or staff
For years, DHA has represented clients from various industrial and commercial sectors, through which we’ve come to understand the specific needs and difficulties of each area.