Administrative Law
When facing a government agency or any enforcing body of law such as a tribunal, board or commission, you need a team of lawyers who understand the issues and risks and can work with the government or challenge it.
We work with public agencies on behalf of our clients to resolve complicated legal matters. This role is something we take very seriously because what is often at stake is the business and livelihood of our clients.
Lawyers in administrative law and many other areas collaborate to evaluate the procedural and substantive issues of each case and find the best course of action. The administrative law attorney often works in a team that may include lawyers from other practice groups.

Government Law and Affairs
When businesses and industries face government regulation it is important to count on experienced legal partners who know the system.
Whether you're appearing before a public agency, requesting approvals we have attorneys to represent you.
Our first-hand experience appearing before governmental agencies allows us to provide clients with valuable insights into the government system.

Taxes are a complex and fundamental aspect of any business practice.
Our services are both preventive and corrective, and our goal is to provide clients with viable solutions for their case.
Through careful assessment and detail, we help clients avoid overpayment of tax obligations.
Dealing with controversies is part of our expertise.
We have represented all types of taxpayers in federal, state and local administrative tax disputes before both the Hacienda Ministry and State and local departments of Finance.